Tap-Along Video to Release the Dread and Anxiety of a Covid Holiday Season

Thanksgiving looks a lot different this year and I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling a lot of dread and anxiety about a COVID-marinaded Thanksgiving. Not to mention the bleakness brought on by the cold, dark days of winter and the increasing likelihood of more shut-downs. Need I go on?!… lol 🙂

Ordinarily I love this time of year. It’s always so fun to get together with family, friends and loved-ones, but that’s not possible this year.

Back in March, when we originally went into lockdown, it was like an avalanche of uncertainty and fear cascading down on us. Every day it seemed, we had to adapt to a new threat. For people with a history of trauma, this on-going feeling of impending danger can be very triggering.

People across the country and the world worried about how to pay the bills, how to care for ailing relatives and protect those at higher risk. Some faced isolation and depression and all the associated mental health challenges. Others juggled home-schooling and working from home in a way that we now casually call the ‘new norm’.

Mixed in with the worry and anxiety of the first wave however, there was hope. Hope that there was an end in sight. There was warmer weather around the corner, and hope that we’d all somehow get a handle on this virus and that rates would go down.

But this second wave feels altogether different to me and perhaps it feels that way to you too?

Hope has dulled somewhat. Covid-fatigue has set in and along with it, anxiety, dread and stress. Perhaps you’ve been feeling this way too.

Just last week my three kids returned to full remote learning (aka home-schooling). When we received the news, I was immediately aware of my mounting anxiety coupled with a deep undercurrent of dread. Maybe for you, it’s not about school. Maybe it’s about your job, your health or something else entirely.

Whatever it is that’s causing you to feel dread, anxiety or fear right now – it’s important to acknowledge the truth of how we feel so that we can begin to find relief.

So with that in mind, instead of talking about the importance of gratitude (which is very important – but often inaccessible if we don’t address our worries first 🙂 ), I wanted to get really honest and offer you something that will hopefully bring you some relief for any dread or anxiety that you might be feeling.

I recorded the short tap-a-long video above for you that will help you to name and then release any dread or anxiety that you may be feeling right now.

I know this year looks a lot different and I know that so much uncertainty can feel scary or overwhelming. But Tapping can help us find a little relief so that we can be more calm and more present and able to enjoy even fleeting moments this Thanksgiving.

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2 Comments on this post

  1. Hi Karen, thank you so much for offering this free tapping meditation. Although I am from Canada but Tapping is definitely helpful during the holiday season and this Covid pandemic. I will return to it often. It’s great to do a tapping meditation with you once again. ? Donna

About Me

I'm Karen Ortner, an EFT Tapping expert, personal development coach, and childhood abuse survivor and I'm passionate about helping YOU in your healing journey!


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